Tyrannoscelio Server Management
Tyrannoscelio Server Management (tyrannoscelio.biosci.ohio-state.edu)
General Locations
Data Backup
Offsite Backup Job
Tyrannoscelio mediates transferring backup files from MegaRaid, the inside the rack NAS, to the ASC offsite shared share. Both of these devices are mounted as directories on the server.
See cron jobs: sudo crontab -l
Mount Remote Devices
The system-wide mounted devices are located in the fstab file and can be modified through the nano program: sudo nano /etc/fstab
The MegaRaid share is mounted with the line // /share/MegaRaid_Share cifs credentials=/home/jcora/.megaraid.cred,gid=osuc_backup,dir_mode=0770,file_mode=0770 0 0
, which will not need updated unless the jcora password changes.
The ASC share is mounted with the line //research.asc.ohio-state.edu/units/EEOB/njohnson-backup /share/ASC_Share cifs credentials=/home/nfj/.asc_nas.cred,gid=osuc_backup,dir_mode=0770,file_mode=0770 0 0
, which will need updated every time the password for the Ohio State federated login ofjohnson.2 changes.