Accessing the OBCP Cluster
Accessing the OBCP Cluster
This section of the wiki is designed to help a user run programs though a command line and GUI interface as well as transfer files on the OBCP cluster. All actions on the cluster require a user account. Send any requests for a new user account to Joe Cora.
FTP Access
File Transfer Protocol (FTP) is a standard interface used to transfer files over to the internet between two computers. There are many free FTP clients on any platform and most are easy to use. The OBCP Cluster accepts FTP transactions that are piped through SSH that is often known as Secure FTP.
Connecting and Transferring
Open up your FTP client and select an option to create a new account. Enter the host as and use your OBCP login credentials for username and password. Change the connection type to be SFTP, Secure FTP, SSH, or similar. Click connect and you should now have access to all of the directories in which you possess read permission. Typically, an FTP client will use a two pane layout with one side being the local files and the other side being the remote (cluster) files. Navigate to your directory of choice and transfer your desired files to and from the cluster. Folders that are not within your home directory will prevent you from adding or overwriting existing files.
Popular FTP Client
Cross Platform Browser
- [FireFTP]: This is a well-made and convenient addon for the Firefox browser to integrate an FTP client into the browser.
- [SmartFTP]: A powerful, easy to use FTP client for Windows. SFTP appears to only be available in the professional edition.
- [FileZilla]: A useful, open-source FTP client that has cross platform support. A Windows only installer is available.
Mac OS X
- [FileZilla]: A useful, open-source FTP client that has cross platform support.