Difference between revisions of "Data Entry Template Information"

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Line 142: Line 142:
|Life stage for the record (e.g. 'nymph', 'larva', 'egg', 'yearling'). When specimen groups are defined in spm_num, this column is ignored
|Life stage for the record (e.g. 'nymph', 'larva', 'egg', 'yearling'). See [[Life Status Terms]] for available life stages. When specimen groups are defined in spm_num, this column is ignored
|no; default: adult
|no; default: adult
Line 235: Line 235:
|The type of biological association between the record and the association (e.g. 'collected on / collecting site of')
|The type of biological association between the record and the association (e.g. 'collected on / collecting site of'). See [[Biological Association Type Terms]] for available association types.
Line 263: Line 263:
|The type of biological association between the record and the second association (e.g. 'collected on / collecting site of')
|The type of biological association between the record and the second association (e.g. 'collected on / collecting site of'). See [[Biological Association Type Terms]] for available association types.

Revision as of 21:57, 5 November 2014


This section contains information on the significance of the columns based on the column name within the data entry template for DEA2 (File:Data Entry Template 28-Aug-2014.xls) and the pre-formatted data entry template (File:DEA data entry template-full 28-Aug-2014.xls).

DEA2 Data Template Information

"Raw Data" worksheet columns

Column Name Description Required
date Date the record was recorded yes
name Name of the person who recorded the record yes
order Order in which the record is identified no; unless order is the most specific identification
superfamily Superfamily in which the record is identified no; unless superfamily is the most specific identification
family Family in which the record is identified yes; unless the most specific identification is broader than family (only to order or superfamily)
subfamily Subfamily in which the record is identified no; unless subfamily is the most specific identification
genus Genus in which the record is identified sometimes; required for genus, species, and subspecies-level identifications
species Specific epithet in which the record is identified sometimes; required for species, and subspecies-level identifications
subspecies Subspecific epithet in which the record is identified sometimes; required for subspecies-level identifications
cuid Unique specimen identifier (aka collecting unit identifier) for a record usually in the form 'collection code' 'specimen number' (e.g. 'OSUC 213455') yes
alt_ids Alternative specimen identifier for a record. Unlike a cuid, these identifiers do not need to be globally unique but must be used specifically for the record and not a "lot" or group of specimens (e.g. '145a Mitch', 'DNA Specimen #12'). Multiple identifiers must be separated by a semicolon then a space (e.g. '745 platy; Browner #2'). no
inst Institution code of the depository for the specimen or lot no; default: OSUC
type Type status for the record (e.g. 'Holotype', 'Syntype', 'Paratype') no
life_status Life stage for the record (e.g. 'nymph', 'larva', 'egg', 'yearling'). See Life Status Terms for available life stages. When specimen groups are defined in spm_num, this column is ignored no; default: adult
preparations The storage vessel (preparation type) and contents contained within the vessel (preparation contents) are collectively considered to be a preparation (see this Darwin Core term for additional info). Each preparation in the preparations column must be separated by a semicolon. A preparation can be a preparation type alone (e.g. 'slide', 'slide; jar'), a pipe (|) separated list of number of preparation type items, preparation type, then preparation contents (e.g. '1|jar|ethanol', '|slide|skin; 2|box|partial skeleton'), or a mix of both (e.g. 'slide; 2|jar|ethanol'). When not specified, number of preparation type items defaults to 1. See Preparation Terms for available preparation types and contents. When specimen groups are defined in spm_num, this column is ignored no
spm_num Number of specimens associated with the record. When more than one specimen are identified to be of different sexes, this column will contain the number of specimens and their respective sex separated by a space (e.g. '10-F 5-M 1-U'). When a varied set of number of specimens, specimen sexes, life stages and preparations are needed, this will contain those granular specimen groups that must be formatted following the conventions of their respective column names: spm_num|spm_sex|life_status[preparations]. Using this format, the spm_num column must be numeric or blank, and if preparations are not necessary for a specimen group, the brackets can be omitted. Multiple specimen groups must be separated by a semicolon. Examples of specimen groups within spm_num column: '|F|larva;2||nymph[slide;1|jar|ethanol]', '1|M|adult[vial];2|U|egg[vial;slide]', '1|U|deutonymph;2|F|adult;1|M|adult' no; default: 1
spm_sex Specimen sex (M = male, F = female, U = unsexed, B = hermaphrodite) for all of the specimens associated with the record. When more than one specimens are determined of different sex, this column is ignored no; default: U
comments Comments on the condition of the specimen, additional information not present on the record labels, or any other information that is desired to be associated with the record yes; may be blank
determiner Determiner of the record with last name first, a comma, then his/her initials (e.g. 'Johnson, N F') no
det_date Determination date of the record (year only) no; default: 'current year'
Label1-8 Verbatim label data attached to the medium containing the specimen or lot yes; may be blank
new_comments Excel formula for concatenating the label data for database entry. Ignore this column! yes; DO NOT modify this column

Pre-formatted Specimen Data Template Information

"Main" worksheet columns

Column Name Description Required
date Date the record was recorded yes
name Name of the person who recorded the record yes
cuid Unique specimen identifier (aka collecting unit identifier) for a record usually in the form 'collection code' 'specimen number' (e.g. 'OSUC 213455') yes
alt_ids Alternative specimen identifier for a record. Unlike a cuid, these identifiers do not need to be globally unique but must be used specifically for the record and not a "lot" or group of specimens (e.g. '145a Mitch', 'DNA Specimen #12'). Multiple identifiers must be separated by a semicolon then a space (e.g. '745 platy; Browner #2'). no
inst Institution code of the depository for the specimen or lot yes
type Type status for the record (e.g. 'Holotype', 'Syntype', 'Paratype') no
spm_num see spm_num notes above under "Raw Data" worksheet columns. no; default: 1
spm_sex Specimen sex (M = male, F = female, U = unsexed, B = hermaphrodite) for all of the specimens associated with the record. When multiple sexes or specimen groups are defined in spm_num, this column is ignored no; default: U
life_status Life stage for the record (e.g. 'nymph', 'larva', 'egg', 'yearling'). See Life Status Terms for available life stages. When specimen groups are defined in spm_num, this column is ignored no; default: adult
preparations see preparations notes above under "Raw Data" worksheet columns. no
new_comments Comments on the condition of the specimen, additional information not present on the record labels, or any other information that is desired to be associated with the record. This column also contains the verbatim specimen labels with the transliteration of each label enclosed within square brackets ([...]) and separated by a space yes; may be blank
family Family in which the record is identified yes; identifications to a rank higher than order must be replaced with the taxon ID in the format 'id=tnid'
subfamily Subfamily in which the record is identified no; unless subfamily is the most specific identification
genus Genus in which the record is identified sometimes; required for genus, species, and subspecies-level identifications
species Specific epithet in which the record is identified sometimes; required for species, and subspecies-level identifications
subspecies Subspecific epithet in which the record is identified sometimes; required for subspecies-level identifications
determiner Determiner of the record with last name first, a comma, then his/her initials (e.g. 'Johnson, N F'). If complete given names are known, they may be included (e.g. 'Johnson, Norman F') no
det_date Determination date of the record (year only) no; default: 'current year'
stated_loc & stated_date These columns are present for legacy reasons. Ignore these columns no; deprecated
loc_name A locality name that exactly matches an existing locality name within the database yes
coll_date The specific date (day, month and year) a specimen was collected (in Excel date format). 'start_date', 'end_date', and 'period' must be blank yes
start_date The specific starting date (day, month and year) a specimen was collected within a range(in Excel date format). 'coll_date' and 'period' must be blank; 'end_date' must be present and later than 'start_date' yes
end_date The specific ending date (day, month and year) a specimen was collected within a range(in Excel date format). 'coll_date' and 'period' must be blank; 'start_date' must be present and earlier than 'end_date' yes
period The non-specific date (missing a day, month or year) a specimen was collected (in text format). 'coll_date', 'start_date', and 'end_date' must be blank yes
coll_method The collecting method used to collect the specimen (e.g. 'by hand', 'trap', etc.) yes
collector1 The first collector of the specimen with last name first, a comma, then his/her initials (e.g. 'Johnson, N F'). If complete given names are known, they may be included (e.g. 'Johnson, Norman F')
collector2 The second collector of the specimen with last name first, a comma, then his/her initials (e.g. 'Johnson, N F'). If complete given names are known, they may be included (e.g. 'Johnson, Norman F')
collector3 The third collector of the specimen with last name first, a comma, then his/her initials (e.g. 'Johnson, N F'). If complete given names are known, they may be included (e.g. 'Johnson, Norman F'). If more than three collectors were given, use 'et al.' as the third collector and include the rest of the collecting party within the 'new_comments' column
field_code The field code, field number, or other term used to define the code that is used to identify a given collecting event (e.g. 'MA-02-18A-10', 'BJZ 2007SEP1a', etc.) yes
habitat The habitat in which a specimen was collected. Habitat should omit distinct, definite biological associations for a particular organism which should go into the associations part of this worksheet yes
assoc_cuid Unique specimen identifier (aka collecting unit identifier) for the vouchered biological association usually in the form 'collection code' 'specimen number' (e.g. 'OSUC 213455'). Not required for unvouchered associations yes
assoc_inst Institution code of the depository for the vouchered biological association. Not required for unvouchered associations yes
association_type The type of biological association between the record and the association (e.g. 'collected on / collecting site of'). See Biological Association Type Terms for available association types. yes
assoc_order Order in which the biological association is identified yes
assoc_family Family in which the biological association is identified yes
assoc_genus Genus in which the biological association is identified yes
assoc_species Species in which the biological association is identified yes
assoc2_cuid Unique specimen identifier (aka collecting unit identifier) for the second vouchered biological association usually in the form 'collection code' 'specimen number' (e.g. 'OSUC 213455'). Not required for unvouchered associations yes
assoc2_inst Institution code of the depository for the second vouchered biological association. Not required for unvouchered associations yes
association2_type The type of biological association between the record and the second association (e.g. 'collected on / collecting site of'). See Biological Association Type Terms for available association types. yes
assoc2_order Order in which the second biological association is identified yes
assoc2_family Family in which the second biological association is identified yes
assoc2_genus Genus in which the second biological association is identified yes
assoc2_species Species in which the second biological association is identified yes