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== Printed Catalogs ==
== Printed Catalogs ==
=== Caraboidea ===
==== General ====
|[http://hol.osu.edu/reference-full.html?id=23848 Bousquet. 2012. Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico. ZooKeys, 245: 1-1722. doi:10.3897/zookeys.245.3416]
|Comprehensive catalog of Caraboidea from America, north of Mexico
|[http://hol.osu.edu/reference-full.html?id=23532 Lorenz. 2005. Systematic list of extant ground beetles of the world (Coleoptera "Geadephaga": Trachypachidae and Carabidae incl. Paussinae, Cicindelinae, Rhysodinae). 2nd edition. Wolfgang Lorenz, Tutzing. 530 pp.]
|Checklist of world Caraboidea
[[Category:Data Entry Assistant]]
[[Category:Data Entry Assistant]]

Revision as of 19:32, 7 August 2014


This page is designed to provide a useful list of online resources or printed catalogs of beetle (Coleoptera) taxonomic groups.

Online Resources



Name URL Description
Titan Database of Cerambycids or Longhorn Beetles http://lully.snv.jussieu.fr/titan/index.html Comprehensive world database of longhorn beetles
New World Cerambycidae Catalog https://apps2.cdfa.ca.gov/publicApps/plant/bycidDB/wdefault.asp Comprehensive New World database of longhorn beetles
Lamiaires du Monde http://www.lamiinae.org/80v/ Comprehensive world database of the subfamily Lamiinae (Cerambycidae)



Name URL Description
Generic Guide to New World Scarab Beetles http://museum.unl.edu/research/entomology/Guide/Guide-introduction/Guideintro.html List and some catalogs of New World scarab beetles (Scarabaeoidea)
Scarabaeoidea of Southern South America http://museum.unl.edu/research/entomology/SSSA.html Comprehensive checklist of Nearctic scarab beetles (Scarabaeoidea)


Name URL Description
Scarabaeoidea of Southern South America http://museum.unl.edu/research/entomology/SSSA.html Comprehensive checklist of New World chafers (Scarabaeidae: Melolonthinae)

Printed Catalogs



Reference Description
Bousquet. 2012. Catalogue of Geadephaga (Coleoptera, Adephaga) of America, north of Mexico. ZooKeys, 245: 1-1722. doi:10.3897/zookeys.245.3416 Comprehensive catalog of Caraboidea from America, north of Mexico
Lorenz. 2005. Systematic list of extant ground beetles of the world (Coleoptera "Geadephaga": Trachypachidae and Carabidae incl. Paussinae, Cicindelinae, Rhysodinae). 2nd edition. Wolfgang Lorenz, Tutzing. 530 pp. Checklist of world Caraboidea